Better Intervention, Better Lives

A non-profit organization dedicated to reducing recidivism
in the criminal justice system.

True Care, Inc.

Working to End Recidivism in North Carolina

Vision: To see people who have been involved in the criminal justice system not commit the crime again.

Our Mission

True Care Inc provides education to offenders of the Criminal Justice System with the hope to reduce and end recidivism. We seek and provide housing and job training for individuals coming out of the Criminal Justice System.

We provide education, resources, and support to individuals.

What We Offer

We offer anger management education, sex offender education, and batterer intervention programs. Using group sessions, we have Memorandum of Understandings (MOU’s) with local stakeholders such as Durham County Probation & Parole, Durham Crisis Response Center, and North Carolina Council for Women.


  • Batter intervention groups (meets once per week for 26 weeks)
  • Anger management groups (meets once per week for 12 weeks)
  • Sex offender groups (meets 1-2 times per month depending on the program, minimum of 52 weeks)